Enrolment Fee
A non-refundable enrolment fee of R350 is required with your application. This is a once off
payment to cover administration costs and is only payable with your original application.
You may also submit your first payment of fees with your deposit.

Course Fees
Certificate in Ministry is R1680, which is R 240 per module, or R 1500 if paid in full in

Second year BMin. and BTh. Is R 1800 or R1600 if paid in full in advance, or R 300 per module.
Associate Degrees R3480 for the two year program or R 3100 if paid in full in advance.

Third Year R3200 which is R400 per module or R2800 if paid in full in advance.
Three year Bachelor’s Degree is R 6680 if paid per module or R 5900 if paid in full in

The cost of certificates is R300 each, which includes postage and packaging.

Payment Options
We offer you a choice of three payment options. Discounts are given for advance payments
made when applying option 1 and 2. Prices are subject to annual reviews and may increase.
Students who elect to pay in advance will not be subject to prices increases for the period
paid for.
1.Once off Payment in advance for the entire course.
2.Pay per study year in advance.
3.Pay per module in advance.